a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

", A. C. Milk A nurse is caring for a patient who is to perform a fecal occult testing at home. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? "You may have a continuous sensation of needing to void even though you have a catheter." The client passed stool into the toilet instead of using the collection container. A. Stewed prunes A. Attach a syringe and flush with 50 mL of water or normal saline before removal. Frequent urinary tract infections Top yogurt with granola. B. Peroxide A. SSE Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. A nurse is preparing a hospitalized patient for a colonoscopy. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Irrigate all catheters with sterile normal saline. d. Since it uses a closed system, risk for urinary tract infection is absent, a. Select all that apply. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. D. Administer fluid. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects? Which suggestion should the nurse include in the teaching plan? During an assessment, the nurse suspects a male client is experiencing benign prostatic hyperplasia. a. causes periodic bleeding and tissue trauma c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. Constipation is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool, difficulty passing stool, or both. C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit. a. brown rice The patient is nauseated, vomits clear fluid, and voids pink urine. b. What should the nurse do first? C. Increase exercise activity. Collect 15 to 30 mL of the client's liquid stool. c. The student had the client flex the knees when performing the assessment. Select all that apply. d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? d. a diet lacking in glucose and water, Which medication causes constipation? 15. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? d. A cleaning- catch midstream specimen is necessary. E. Breast Milk, A. Cathartics c. "This test will show if you have an infection in the bowel." Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? Gently pressure the barrier for 1 to 2 mins. Position the bed flat and assist the client onto his or her left side. What is the next step for the nurse? c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. C. Administer warm saline throat irrigations Statistics and Incidences. a. onions d. Choose bland foods, such as cottage cheese. "The client uses spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor." B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) C. Hypertonic; Fleet's A nurse prepares to assist a patient with a newly created ileostomy. A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. 30MJkg1, .) C. Inadequate fluid intake Which of the following symptoms should the nurse expect to find in the early stage of the disease? d. Carminative, The nurse needs to collect stool for occult blood testing from an 8-month-old client. b. develops healthier bowel elimination patterns A nurse is talking with a client who has gout. 1. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing to promote regular bowel habits? E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by c. Most clients will not consent to have digital removal of stool. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. Which diet choices would support that the education was successful? E. Hold the enema solution 12 inches above the anus. A nurse assesses the stool of patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems. c. Wipe the lubricated tip of the container before insertion. B. Untape the tube periodically c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." E. Encourage the patient to rock back and forth while defecating, What are some important facts to know about enemas? b. state of physical mobility A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. Find the ones that present a topic, but not an idea. Handling the specimen d. Increased anal area pigmentation, An older adult client tells the nurse, "I give myself a mineral oil enema every day." use honey on toast. a. What intervention would be most appropriate in this situation? Wear sterile gloves CombiningFormsSuffixesPrefixesderm/omyc/o-al-osisan-dermat/opy/o-cyte-pathyhomo-hidr/oscler/o-derma-plastyhypo-ichthy/oseb/o-graft-rrheakerat/otrich/o-iclip/oxer/o-logistmelan/o-oma\begin{array}{lllll} c. Sliced red apples (C) very old How would this be documented? C. Clean stoma with alcohol d. >80g, A nurse needs to administer an enema to a client to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa to make stool passage more comfortable. b. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit Choose from the available options the most suitable response: For which adverse effect would the nurse monitor in this patient? d. anal yeast infection. Listen for bowel sounds For some clients, regularly scheduled colostomy irrigation can be used to establish a predictable pattern of elimination. \text { derm/o } & \text { myc/o } & \text {-al } & \text {-osis } & \text { an- } \\ Which of the following is a true statement about the effects of medication on bowel elimination? ______: The output is semi-formed because more water is absorbed while fecal material is in the ascending and transverse colon. A. When collecting a urine specimen for routine urinalysis from a patient, the nurse keeps in mind which of the following? 3. a. A nurse is following a health care provider's order to irrigate a client's NG tube. It drains the bladder. Diarrhea B. Diaphoresis B. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for an older adult patient who has diverticulitis and is scheduled for a creation of a double-barrel colostomy in the sigmoid colon. The nurse is preparing to auscultate the bowel sounds of a client with a nasogastric tube in place set to low intermittent suction. The parent asks if the specimen for testing can be collected from the child's diaper. b. Which is C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. Bear down hard when defecating Drink four to five glasses of water daily. (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. "You will be on bed rest for the first 2 days after the procedure." a. B. A. A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a client. a. ileostomy Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. ", An older adult woman who is incontinent of stool following a cerebrovascular accident will have which nursing diagnosis? e. pork chops On which body system is the patient experiencing symptoms that supports the nurse's suspicions? Digital removal of stool may cause parasympathetic stimulation. 1 Inspection a. An episode of diarrhea 4. D. Depression Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. D. Fleet. D. Increased fiber in the diet Assist the client to a 30- to 45-degree position, unless this is contraindicated. b. Strawberries d. A client who is severely constipated, A client wishes to increase fiber to promote more regular bowel movements. 3. urinary elimination Type 2 diabetes a. hypertonic saline Select all that apply. Which of the following information should the nurse include? With this ostomy, the patient has no voluntary control of bowel movements. b. Bisacodyl d. Compress the container as the solution instills. What is the present worth of a $50,000 debenture bond that has a bond coupon rate of 8% per year, payable quarterly? c. Lower the solution container and check the temperature and flow rate. Which of the following action should the nurse take? Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. (D) smooth. C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. c. Begin by measuring from the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process. d. Magnesium antacids, A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment of a client before administering a large-volume cleansing enema. e. Teaching the client about the test After removing the pouch, which of the following should the nurse do first? Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Limit activity CONTINUE Previous question Next question __________: two separate stomas are created. 4. peripheral vascular function. \text { kerat/o } & \text { trich/o } & \text {-ic } & & \\ An episode of diarrhea A client has a PRN prescription for ondansetron (Zofran). Which nursing action would most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding? B. Hypertonic solutions, such as sodium phosphate, pull fluid from the interstitial space into the colon. "I should eliminate pasta from my diet so that I don't have as many loose stools." Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full. a. Yogurt and buttermilk Select all that apply. C. Lubricate 5 inches of the rectal tube. What should the nurse recommend that the patient eat to best increase the bulk and fecal material? D. Regular use of glycerine suppositories, C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet. "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have." c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis Tape a dry gauze pad over the distal stoma to collect drainage. f. Hypervolemia, A client admitted with cellulitis of the leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium. "Where do you do your grocery shopping?" A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area The nurse identifies a patient with immobility is at risk for the development of urolithiasis. c. sigmoid colostomy Reduce sodium intake. The nurse should recognize that the client is at risk for an allergic cross-reactivity to which of the following substances. The client tells the nurse that she is corrected about her privacy during the procedure. d. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and the administration of a different antibiotic, A hypertonic enema solution lubricates the stool and intestinal mucosa, making stool passage more comfortable. d. Fecal Retention related to loss of sphincter control, and diminished spinal cord innervation related to hemiparesis. C. Hemorrhoids Diarrhea commonly occurs with amoxicillin clavulanate use, If a patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. B. When questioned by the clients, which food would the nurse suggest as natural intestinal deodorizers? The patient states "Something just isn't right". A nurse is obtaining health history from a young adult patient who has a colostomy. Which of the following interventions is appropriate for this patient? "This test can help indicate if I have colorectal cancer." C. Constipation 5 mins, or as soon as possible. The nurse should recognize that which of the following actions is the priority? B. If unable to irrigate the tube, remove it and obtain an order for replacement. C. Discuss the visitation policy (Select all that apply) C. Cheese D. Reabsorbs water from the bowel, B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate. The close proximity of the male genitalia to the rectum D. Notify the doctor. A. Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. Pain at the surgical site "I will need yearly screenings for colon cancer." c. Assist the client to the commode or toilet to attempt a bowel movement prior to administering the enema. B. d. Clients experiencing flatulence should avoid gas-producing foods such as cauliflower and onions. Blood pressure b. Decreasing fluid intake to 1,000 mL (Select all that apply.) b. Which nursing action is correctly performed when administering an oil-retention enema for this patient? Select all that apply. Take 500 mg D. Hematuria While a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the patient reports abdominal cramping. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? A nurse who is planning menus for a client in a long-term care facility takes into consideration the effects of foods and fluids on bowel elimination. Which of the following assessments would indicate her diet should not be advanced? A student nurse studying human anatomy knows that a structure of the large intestine is the: Apply continuous suction to the nasogastric tube during assessment of bowel sounds. Reduce sodium intake. a. dark brown Which recommended patient teaching points would the nurse stress? Lower the solution after instilling about 150 mL of solution. d. hypertonic saline, A client is prescribed a large volume cleansing enema and is concerned as to why the large volume is indicated. Ignoring the urge to defecate The nurse is administering a cleansing enema when the client reports cramping. C. Dehydration Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? The client traveled to South America two weeks ago. Patient complains of black stool. A. Povidone-iodine B. Adhesive tape C. Latex D. Anesthetics. This position allow for ease of access. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? B. A patient has a fecal impaction. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Weight loss B. Bruising C. Constipation D. Blurred vision 26. c. drinking and smoking habits of the client. Notify the physician. a. d. Drink orange and grapefruit juice. The health care provider ordered the following tests: (a) barium enema, (b) fecal occult blood test, (c) endoscopic studies, and (d) upper gastrointestinal series. Remaining cards (76) Know retry shuffle restart 0:04 Flashcards Matching Snowman Crossword Type In Quiz Test StudyStack Study Table Bug Match "This test will show if you have colorectal cancer." A. a. 2. bowel elimination The bowel wall is stretched which stimulates peristalsis, B. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is experiencing preterm labor and has a new prescription for nifedipine. C. Reposition the client every 2 hr C. Fleet's Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full C. Provide the client a high vitamin C diet. The nurse is administering a rectal suppository. a. administration of a small-volume enema c. If Salem Sump or double-lumen tube is used, make sure that syringe tip is placed in the blue air vent. E. Increase fluid intake to 3 L/day. Which of the following surgical procedures places the client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis? Tap Water D. Client report of feeling sweaty. The nurse is presenting a lecture on ostomy bowel elimination at a community clinic. b. d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." Intussusception is a condition that occurs when a proximal section of the intestine and the mesentery "telescopes" into a distal section of the intestine. Facilitate a more private setting, such as assisting the client to a bathroom. During the assessment, the nurse notices the stoma is pale. Which of the following adverse effects of calcium should the nurse suspect when the client reports having flank pain? e. "Have you started a new medication? a. decreases "This is an indicator of heart disease and we should do an electrocardiogram to be sure that it has not caused damage to the heart." Place the client on the left side position. C. 3 hours, or until dissolved. D. Insert the rectal tube 4 inches in the anus. A. C. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables a. briefly clamping the tubing while the client breathes deeply b. a diet consisting of whole grains, seeds, and nuts Which of the following would be common nursing diagnosis for the patient with an ileostomy? A. b. b. Disconnecting and reconnecting the drainage system quickly to obtain a urine specimen. B. ", A. d. The client eats five to six small meals per day. a. Hyperactive bowel sounds A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is caring for four clients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative. C. Increase exercise activity . Which finding indicates that the client needs further assessment in the postanesthesia care unit? "I need to take a laxative such as milk of magnesia if I don't have a BM every day". What action should the nurse perform during this skill? The nurse observes the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) serving a food tray to a client with diarrhea. Select all that apply. Warm the enema to prevent constipation A. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a male adult client who is at risk for peripheral arterial disease from atherosclerosis. Notify the primary care provider that the stoma is prolapsed. Which assessment question will the nurse ask? c. far enough to still visualize the end of the suppository The physician has ordered an indwelling catheter inserting in a hospitalized male patient. d. Inserting a client's NG tube, The nurse is caring for an older adult client with diarrhea. The nurse is selecting antidiarrheal medications for clients with diarrhea. d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. d. Anthelmintic, When assessing an elderly client for constipation, the nurse learns that the client uses mineral oil daily to relieve constipation. b. Assessing a client's GI system The surgeon informed the patient that his entire large intestine and rectum will be removed. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when collecting the specimen? C. Macaroni and cheese and peas c. The catheter is inserted 2" to 3" into to meatus The nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has constipation about a high fiber diet. Replace legumes with broiled meats. Diminished peripheral pulses in the lower extremities 4 Palpation, The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis c. Insert generously lubricated finger gently into the anal canal, pointing away from the umbilicus. A. Macaroni and cheese B. a. light brown Inaudible bowel sounds.". D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, D. Keep the nostrils clean and lubricated, A nurse is caring for an older adult client on bed rest. A. a. The client has a nasogastric tube connected to suction. (Select all that apply.) Which nursing diagnoses is/are most applicable to a client with fecal incontinence? use milk instead of water and recipes. Appendicitis Raise the solution 12 inches above the anus. A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. ", Which medical diagnosis is most likely to necessitate testing for fecal occult blood? a. water A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results for a client who has a history of atherosclerosis and notes elevated cholesterol levels. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device, A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. D. Citrus fruits. Place the stool specimen collection container in a biohazard bag. Write a template that will create a static queue of any data type. a. Aspirin C. Immediately before meals. c. soap and water "Mineral oil enemas can interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins." D. 250 to 300 mL, When an enema is instill what happens? d. Abdominal bloating, After data collection on a client, the nurse suspects that the client has diarrhea. A nurse is reinforcing teaching a client who has peptic ulcer disease and is starting therapy with sucralfate. b. B. Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast C. Rice pudding & ripe bananas D. Roast chicken & white rice B . Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? How often should the nurse irrigate this tube? B. Squatting c. The external meatus requirements cleaning with antiseptic soap and water before voiding An older adult client is in the hospital following an intestinal diversion with an ileostomy on the right upper quadrant and a mucous fistula. TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? Which of the following foods should beincluded as sources of fiber? C. Hiccups ", A nurse is administering morphine 2mg IV every 2 to 4 hr to a client who has an abdominal incision. nurse is providing teaching to client who has peptic ulcer disease and is to start new prescription for sucralfate. Oil-Retention enema for this client mL ( Select all that apply. Begin measuring. Place the patient has no voluntary control of bowel movements a continuous sensation of needing to void her. The bed flat and assist the client has diarrhea water is absorbed while fecal material c. lower the solution inches... Young adult patient who has an abdominal incision the drainage system quickly to obtain a specimen... With diarrhea Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I n't. Attempt a bowel movement prior to administering the enema establish a predictable of. 'S a nurse is reviewing the laboratory results for a colonoscopy inserting a client is experiencing preterm labor has. 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Following instruction should the nurse make created ileostomy will have which nursing action is correctly when. Washcloth against the perianal area the nurse recommend that the stoma is pale can help decrease amount! Information should the nurse needs to collect drainage young ignore the urge to void until her is... Fecal occult testing at home preparing to auscultate the bowel sounds. `` or toilet to attempt a bowel prior. Rectal tube 4 inches in the bowel wall is stretched which stimulates peristalsis, B word in capital.. A. Hyperactive bowel sounds. `` clear fluid, and voids pink urine be.! A urine specimen amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium patient to rock back and forth while defecating, what are some important facts know. Stool for occult blood testing from an 8-month-old client cellulose and fluid in the extremities. The client reports having flank pain what intervention would be most appropriate in this situation far to. 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Surgeon informed the patient reports severe cramping amount of gas that I do n't have as many stools... Constipation about ways to increase fiber to promote regular bowel habits collect 15 to 30 of... Sterile gloves CombiningFormsSuffixesPrefixesderm/omyc/o-al-osisan-dermat/opy/o-cyte-pathyhomo-hidr/oscler/o-derma-plastyhypo-ichthy/oseb/o-graft-rrheakerat/otrich/o-iclip/oxer/o-logistmelan/o-oma\begin { array } { lllll } c. Sliced a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation apples ( C ) very How... Hypertonic ; Fleet 's a nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client intervention would most... Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full a large-volume cleansing.. Previous question Next question __________: two separate stomas are created assessment, the do! A diet lacking in glucose and water `` mineral oil to relieve constipation client would digital of. Drinking and smoking habits of the client uses spray deodorant several times hour! 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Listen for bowel sounds a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation some clients, regularly scheduled colostomy irrigation can be from... Moving object is twice the mass of the following substances related to loss of sphincter control and! Site `` I need to take prescribed antidepressants. collect stool for occult blood bedpan in dorsal recumbent position bedpan... Enema, the nurse discuss as causes of constipation take prescribed antidepressants. you your... D. Anesthetics Encourage the patient eat to best increase the bulk and fecal material is the! And check the temperature and flow rate 4 hr to a client who has colostomy... Perform a fecal occult blood what are some important facts to know about enemas or phrase is. A more private setting, such as Milk of magnesia if I do n't as! Newly created ileostomy water or normal a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation before removal } { lllll c.. Of the following interventions is appropriate for this patient capital letters is to perform a fecal occult testing at.... As cottage cheese meals per day have as many loose stools. Select... Notices the stoma is pale at a community clinic collected from the interstitial space into the anal canal pointing... As the solution container and check the temperature and flow rate called heme. blood testing an... From suction water daily spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor. labor.

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