random devil fruit generator

This is a Devil Fruit list I made containing over +500 unique Devil Fruits! (I got 60, the Dice Dice Fruit. This tool is here to help you out. Taking the aura from a living beeing will create some fadigue on the target's body, but it can be solved like any fadigue with some rest. Edible fruits have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition. Power: This devils fruit is similar to Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Kurei)'s devils fruit (Mane Mane no Mi) in the idea but is different in its specifics. Similar to a necromancer. As you Weakness: The user can only hold one other Devil Fruits (with more training you can hold more), in exchange he/she loses the ability to take strength, speed, knowledge, etc. This fruit IS and Does Belong To The Youtuber Muglorgrimlockable And deviant Artist Muglorgrimlock. 21 would be Brook's fruit. Power: This fruit allows the user to control it's own aura and even the aura from other living beeings, beeing able to pull it out and use it as weapon, solidifying and beeing able to hit the target like haki or an impact dial, despite any protection, even logia users. Sorry. Power: the Userr will become a ghost, having his body composed of ectoplasm, that can be produced endlessly, the user can also control the produced amount at range and shape the ectoplasm at his own will.This fruit also allows the user levitation and the power to go through solid matter, so as produce green fireballs like will-o-wisps. Powers: Allows you to turn to a seagull. Speed is reduced if the consumer's muscles weaken. User captain Thomas nuke of the gunpowder crew ,king It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. The user can crash into the ground an act as an asteroid. Appearance: A yellow grape fruit about the size of a man's fist. Strengths: The user obviously can become their aspect, in this case air and this also grants invisiblity due to humans and animals not being able to see air. Power: allows the user to create cartoonish round dark holes and move'em at will, it takes the form of a black ink-like liquid dripping from the user's hand and when he drops it, expands in a hole, the user can also create this holes in midair, they are seemingly bottonless and can take anything coming inside, the user can also create holes in his own body at reflex, similar to a logia, to let damage pass through, these holes can also negate solid matter, sucking it out when closing, letting a round crater where it was, it has similar effect in living beeings, but will work similar to Trafalgar's devil fruit: the victim wont be hurt. Shogeki Shogeki no mi (Impact Impact fruit), Apperance: large blue apple with black swearls, Power:( like the impact dial) the user can absorbe the impact given to him from any kaind of attack(swords hammers guns other devil fruit users) and send it right back to the enemy it can also send force push like attacks and at max power it can have the same effect as the reject dial with out hurting the fruit user as much as the reject dial would, Weakness: sea water, sea stone and logia type users if not reinforced by haki, Consumer: Lebron D. chris (captain of the iron head pirates), power: gives the user the ability to both control and turn into shadows, the user are able to manipukate their opponents shadows and transform them in various forms (spikes, weapons, animals or other). As a weapon in battle, the user can change its frequency, color, and power of the sound and can create a huge amount of distraction and destruction into the enemy's brain. Appearance of fruit: Black Strawberry with white dots covering the surface. To find out when NEW Characters get released! If the user is a human and not a shark and is hit by a Sea Stone weapon, it is effective and the user cannot change forms. The color can then be reformed into anything he might need, like a sword, ladder, robe, life-size controllable elephant, etc. WebDevil Fruit name generator - One Piece This name generator will give you 10 random names fit for Devil Fruits part of the One Piece universe. The user can imbue this aura in anything inanimate and manipulate it telekinetically for a brief time. The Alcohol can also make the victims slightly drunk, or dizzy. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs) In this you will find: List of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia DFs Random Character Generator Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments Links to other Devil Fruit lists 3 Sir_Penguin21 4 yr. ago Thanks! eg a 10 Tonne hammer changed into a piece of paper, though now flexable it would still weigh 10 Tonnes. when someone attack him not using a haki like guns swords it will only be black sand. Weakness: Large objects take time to form and drains the users energy, standard devil fruit users weaknesses. WebRandom what devil fruit to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options : dough fruitrubber fruitlight fruitdark fruitstring fruitbarrier fruitleopard fruitvenom fruitsoul fruitquake fruitchop fruitkilo fruitbomb fruitlighting fruitsmoke fruitspin fruitphoenix fruitmagma fruitspike fruitglitch fruitice Note: the user of Koho koho no mi can NOT get drunk, as his body is made of alcohol. Seriously, this forum has gotta be removed or something, there's like a million headlines here and 1% of them is signed. Weakness: Water can douse the fire createdif it wasnt what the user put on fire; besides that, sink the user in seawater or use seastone.if the user didnt put that on fire as well. Fruit is an excellent alternative to sugary snacks. Weakness: Standard Weaknesses, Black-and-white objects; if something gets far enough away from it's color,(500 Color-Colors), the color will fly back to it and turn back to normal old colors, regardless of what shape the where in. The skin turnes very pale, almost a luminescent white. 3. Devil Fruit Name: Kamome Kamome no Mi ( Seagull Seagull Fruit ). Power: Allows the user to control heat, whether its making it hotter or cooler. Backwards Text Generator. 1. You can easily Generate 1000's of One Piece Devil Fruit Names ideas in just few clicks. Power: anything that the user touches with one hand swaps its physical properties with whatever the user touches with his other hand. If the consumer is a child, they must remain in their child form until they eventually die.). The users power cannot be seen by the opponent which in turn leaves them open for surprise attacks. Power: Allows the user to materialize anything from his/her imagination to be used at their whim. Power: User has ability to control barbed wire, form barbed wire, and turn various body parts into it. Has an increase in muscle mass and overall weight and density. Likewise, the user cannot access and personally benefit from the power levels he/she stores with the help of the Fruit's power, at least not without their real owner's proper consent. Each head leans to a different form of thinking, one is aggressive, one is defensive, well the other can differ depending on the person. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs) In this you will find: List of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia DFs Random Character Generator Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments Links to other Devil Fruit lists 3 Sir_Penguin21 4 yr. ago Thanks! The users can make anything with this fruit power as long is made of matter. Amazing. Weakness: typical devil fruit weaknesses such as water or seastone. Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses, swarm becomes uncontrollable when seperated from main hornet. Matthew Fields. Once the element has been touched you chose if you want to keep it memorized or not and if memorized it stays memorized and can not go back. Spread the word to your family and friends. Weak to powerful attacks that can break the defensive wall such as laser cannons. Tiny Text Generator. Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses. Discover Your Fruit Power. Yay~ Now it's your turn.) powers:this fruit gives the ability to user to make a big number of copies of anything even himself. Note: Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the Strawhat Pirate. With the effects limited to accident-like events that require actions from the target., it's not usefull for direct combat, but actually for defensive purposes. Oh, and sonic perception, night vision and blood sucking are all weapons at this devil fruit user's disposal. Also grants the ability to communicate with trees, control wood, grow trees and perhaps imbue your haki into it if you're a shipwright or you're building something. Once you get a Devil Fruit, it's yours forever. Weakness:The one using it will be weak if they fall to the sea or interacted with seastones or if he copied other devil fruits with weaknesses. Both the consumer and any "Angels" can shoot rays of holy light, aswell as forge weapons / armor with them. The character who ate this fruit is a cyborg. Appearance: The fruit looks like orange with a pineapple pattern on the skin. He/She must also be careful not to become bankrupt, or he/she lose all the stored strengths. Inu Inu no mi, Model: Cerberus (Mutt-Mutt Fruit, Model: Cerberus). http://thecartdriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/hellsing-ultimate-7-460x258.jpg. Powers; Turns user into a wolf and other diffrent forms. Power: The eater gains the ability to shoot fireballs,run at super-speeds,6th senses and also gives you an additional gear = Satan soul allows user to use demonic powers the user basically becomes a a half demon ( half man, demon senses and abilities minus the weakness to holy water and wooden stakes) Pretty cool, yeah? This is fantastic! Description: This is a paramecia type fruit which makes the user able to control, transform and produce moisture by creating water particles in the air. Weaknesses are the user is still vulnerable when asleep, sea stone still takes affect on the user and only if the user can use can sense the location of the time time user and use the king haki. Because of him/her being a metal man, they can use this abillity (while in metal form)to'mimic gear secondwithout the destruction of their body. Offline. Weaknesses: Bolt cannot make a human being directly explode, though he can attach a talisman to the foe to make them explode. Appearance: A light blue-colored apple fruit with swirls on the skin and one on the leaf. Fruit Wheel Share by Alicetong KS1 PE Science Edit Content Embed More Leaderboard Random wheel is an open-ended template. Also the materiel that the eater absorbed they can control or mold. Appearence: Shaped like a yellow star, with orange stripes. pile of Beli ( in this form Beli can fly but one must always It can be used for offensive purposes,such as making the airspace explode and creating a blackhole where it pulls the opponent in it and thrown away in a different dimensional place, as well as defensive purposes such as when the user is attack by someone may it be another devil fruit user or not it will just pass through him, also the user can teleport through the airspace. Also due to being metal the user of the Kane Kane no mi would be imune to crocodiles dehydration, while in metal form. Normal weaknesses devil's fruit weaknesses apply. The stronger the user, the wider the range's diameter. The consumer cannot change forms, meaning, they cannot grow or shrink from age. (Stupid Stupid Fruit) Type: Paramecia:Allows the User to manipulate how fast any part of their body works. Power: Allows the user to charge the kinetic molecule's to make them move much faster in any non-living object. Power: alows the user to disassemble anything with a blast of energy-like pulse and telekinetically manipulate the pieces of whatever the user disassembled in something new, able to split an entire ship until EVERYTHING that composed the ship (from masts and sails to the smallest nail) is under the user's full control. This tool is here to help you out. This fruit can transform your body into 5 diferent elements that you chose to memorize by touching them. Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Please write a detailed message about the report or request about this generator. Note: Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the Strawhat Pirates. (The regular Squeak Squeak fruit would be a rat, butbats are flying rats). Power:Allows user to turn any part of his body into cyborg like.The user can also make his finger into a bayonetand thrust it at its opponents body.The most notable technique is the ability to shoot laser beam at any target that is lock on and the abiltiy to absorb an attack and repel it.It can also control magnetism which makes it almost invincible. It'll generate a random number that'll determine which power you get. Apearance: Two silver cherries covered in red lightining bolt pattern, with a neon green stem. I'm using it for my One Piece table top RPG. Apperance: Sea green grapefruit with swirls. So the idea is simple. Power:the user can turn anything into a ticking bomb, and control when the bomb will explode, he can also turn him self into a bomb (but wont recive damage when he explodes), as well as his oponent. Also the transformation cannot stop a process once its began, eg turning a lit stick of dynamite into a stick, the stick would explode at the same time and with the same force as the original form. Like an impact dile it can absorb the shock from a strong punch, the shock or what ever you absorb get blwon up in your right fist, it looks like a ballon as you fill it up. Power: The main power of this fruit is create and controll and endless amount of sparks that become some similarity with thunder , but they can set anything on fire, like forestfires However, the main strengh of this fruit its that it na set on fire virtually anything, even non flamable substances like rocks, metal,water however, its not sure things will burn or not, they will just stay flaming until the fire is put out. They can turn the majority of their body into really thick and strong rope. Strengths: Gives the user the ability to have 3 heads,and grow 20m tall. You could become the worlds most dangerous assassin You'd make millions helping the transgender community. In bleakness and terror beyond all human hope, the Gods guard the jimmies for centuries to come gives the eater red skin and red horns on the forehead with elf-like ears, gives a body temp of up to (but can be changed at eater's whim) 400*C (750*F), increases eater strength by 10 times his normal strength, slight regeneration (small wounds are healed almost instantly, deadly wounds are healed within a day), enhanced haki of all 3 types (doesn't make you a master. Weakness: normal weakness apply. Devil Fruit Name: Renki Renki No Mi (Alchemy Fruit). From close range, by pointing his key finger, he can unlock anything that would normally need a lock; items include; doors, drawers, treasure chests, any lock and any other consivable item to be opened. The users powers cancel out when facing someone who has the Yume Yume no Mi (Dream-Dream Fruit) abilities. Gives the user the ability to give inanimate objects life &/or control said object. Weird Text Generator. Consumer: Captain of the Spacepirates, composed of alternate and competent versions of himself from different dimmensions with different skills and some with the same devil fruit ability, Silver D. Darc. Also while the victim's door to the heart is open, that person becomes very emotional and experiences rapid mood swings depending on the situation. In other words you must train in order to control a giant. Power: Allows the user to turn anyone who looks into his or her eyes into dolls, allowing him/her to control their souls. Weakness(es): The powers afforded by this Fruit are only available whenever the User(s) are assuming their Full-Zoan of Hybrid Zoan Forms. https://randomoutputs.com/random-fruit-generator. Info 1st Year; Name: Nickname: Race: Gender Once the power is sapped out of them the opponent can physically see it disappearing into the air as mist. As a result of being a Logia, the user is invulnerable to to blunt attacks and cannot be hurt unless using Haki or it's natural weaknesses. Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Brachiosaurus: Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix: Eaten by, Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Nine-Tailed Fox: Eaten by, Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Spinosaurus: Eaten by. Also allows flight Tommygun. Average Rating (2 ratings) Twitter Del.icio.us Tumblr StumbleUpon One Piece Devil Fruit Generator Devil fruit Comments Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments. It can block off people's memories. WebRolling 100 RANDOM DEVIL FRUIT In Blox Fruits (Roblox) JOIN OUR MEMBERS! Created by: --CoffeeShopCorporateRaiderCoffeeShopCorporateRaiderCoffeeShopCorporateRaiderCoffeeShopCorporateRaiderCoffeeShopCorporateRaiderClick meClick me againOne more timeFinish it! AND AGAIN 00:51, January 22, 2013 (UTC). Being too close to the user can cause sun burn. Power: The user can float around as if he/she does not have legs but cannot fly over the water. 101. The user also has the ability to fly short distances. Ten rest of body spin. The user can also fly through the air due to the control as well as create tornados. WebThis random generator contains all the characters from the 1997 Japanese anime series One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda. Appearence: Golden Apple with silvery ripples. +500 unique devil Fruits hotter or cooler a yellow star, with orange stripes opponent which turn... The control as well as create tornados a neon green stem webrolling 100 random devil fruit Names in... Now flexable it would still weigh random devil fruit generator Tonnes, king it does not generate scores for brief... Can transform your body into 5 diferent elements that you chose to memorize by touching them consumer can change... Seen by the opponent which in turn leaves them open for surprise attacks range 's.... 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